Status Update

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Status Update

Post by Rocker »

Here we are, right around two weeks into this venture. From a developer standpoint, there's still a lot to do. There's a shit-ton of room to grow in the visual department, and that's my biggest struggle. I know it's a work in progress and for anyone not using the "GamerDark" theme I've let you down, but you're not forgotten and improvements are coming. Building out a message board wasn't something covered in my NetSec curriculum, and I'm learning as fast as I can.

As the now solo administrator, I'm here, I'm active, I'm listening to the desires of the community.

I'm not going to get into the particulars of the drama, because A) I wasn't around for the initial deal and B) I really just don't give a fuck.

So here's the deal, kids. Mind where you're posting.

The sports forums are for sports, and while I will respect that the community wants a light handed MOD team and I will discourage heavy handed moderation; but sports forums are for sports. Act accordingly. I will encourage my moderators to lock/move topics out of the sports forums to a more appropriate sub-forum as needed when the conversation stops being about football/baseball/hockey/whatever. OT is pretty much free game, as it should be. Politics have their place. Tits and ass have their own place.

I didn't want and do not want this responsibility; but I'll be fucked sideways on Sunday to a bad beat before I let this place fail. So yeah, if you got issues, you know how to address them. If for any reason you are uncomfortable sending a DM, the entire team can be reached via email

I'm doing my fucking best guys.

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Re: Status Update

Post by Snake »

I appreciate the efforts. I’m optimistic this can be the best iteration yet with the influx of old-timers and new blood.

I know Mooz bowed out and doesn’t want to be seen as a bad guy or subject to blame. Who could blame him for feeling that way? Sort of like being punished for the sins of yesteryear (real or imagined) after providing the grounds for our continued existence. At no cost to us, mind you. I hope he can remain as a participating member. Somehow, I barely know the guy after all this time. his willingness to throw down the money and time to get this started saved a 20 year legacy from going kaput. Don’t say it doesn’t matter. You’re still here, after all.

There are some deep scars in this place and I understand people can’t let certain things go. I was too young to remember most of it or just wasn’t around. I know the lines between online and real life were crossed and shit happened. I won’t ask those people to pretend it didn’t. Really, stuff like that contributes to the community’s culture and its longevity. It can be fun, it can also sting and push people away. I’d like to find a balance. If there’s people you truly find reprehensible, do your best to just not engage or take it to OT. I’ve failed at that. A lot. I plan on improving.

Forums are dying. Bucs centric forums are a graveyard and it gets worse every year. We are it. When little Jonny Buc Fan gets online and is seeking Buc talk that goes deeper than Reddit or the school yard, he will probably find us. If we are truly toxic, he won’t participate and become the next twenty year poster. Not everyone is lilbj and seemingly immune from negativity.

I apologize for being maudlin. Not my intention. I just want this to succeed because it can be an enriching place. I want the football talk to be high tier. I want off topic to be fun, yet informative. I don’t know about you guys, but the water cooler talk with the normies is lacking IRL. Good luck calling a woman a cunt for supporting abortion and having her come back the next day and engage you about when human life actually begins like the “cunt” thing never happened. A couple clicks later, you’re talking about why Winston sucks/rules. This is a unique place.

Let’s keep it going.
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Re: Status Update

Post by Swashbuckler »

Snake wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 11:16 pm I appreciate the efforts. I’m optimistic this can be the best iteration yet with the influx of old-timers and new blood.

I know Mooz bowed out and doesn’t want to be seen as a bad guy or subject to blame. Who could blame him for feeling that way? Sort of like being punished for the sins of yesteryear (real or imagined) after providing the grounds for our continued existence. At no cost to us, mind you. I hope he can remain as a participating member. Somehow, I barely know the guy after all this time. his willingness to throw down the money and time to get this started saved a 20 year legacy from going kaput. Don’t say it doesn’t matter. You’re still here, after all.

There are some deep scars in this place and I understand people can’t let certain things go. I was too young to remember most of it or just wasn’t around. I know the lines between online and real life were crossed and shit happened. I won’t ask those people to pretend it didn’t. Really, stuff like that contributes to the community’s culture and its longevity. It can be fun, it can also sting and push people away. I’d like to find a balance. If there’s people you truly find reprehensible, do your best to just not engage or take it to OT. I’ve failed at that. A lot. I plan on improving.

Forums are dying. Bucs centric forums are a graveyard and it gets worse every year. We are it. When little Jonny Buc Fan gets online and is seeking Buc talk that goes deeper than Reddit or the school yard, he will probably find us. If we are truly toxic, he won’t participate and become the next twenty year poster. Not everyone is lilbj and seemingly immune from negativity.

I apologize for being maudlin. Not my intention. I just want this to succeed because it can be an enriching place. I want the football talk to be high tier. I want off topic to be fun, yet informative. I don’t know about you guys, but the water cooler talk with the normies is lacking IRL. Good luck calling a woman a cunt for supporting abortion and having her come back the next day and engage you about when human life actually begins like the “cunt” thing never happened. A couple clicks later, you’re talking about why Winston sucks/rules. This is a unique place.

Let’s keep it going.
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Re: Status Update

Post by Dread »

You're doing great Rocker.

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Re: Status Update

Post by King Bootz »

@Rocker perhaps some “semi” heavy moderation wouldn’t be so bad. People seemed to like the fact that someone couldn’t get away with everything under the sun back in those days. The numbers grew. It was when things started getting toxic that people started leaving. Unnecessarily derailing threads, calling out people personally. Heavy arguments unrelated to the topic at hand. I will obviously own my part in participating in those situations. However no one person is to blame. A culture was created and stuff like that was allowed. What’s worse is that the culture that allowed it was also the ones responsible for keeping things in check.

I’m not pining for a position or anything. But I’d really like to help out in that regard. I can be the bad guy and be impartial. As @Snake said there are deep scars here. But there doesn’t have to be as the “boys club” appears to have bowed out completely with Mooz now leaving. Putting a group together of people not in cahoots with each other to rule with an iron fist will keep things balanced and fair and keep things on topic hopefully.

Just a suggestion.
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Re: Status Update

Post by Buc2 »

Snake wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 11:16 pm Forums are dying. Bucs centric forums are a graveyard and it gets worse every year. We are it. When little Jonny Buc Fan gets online and is seeking Buc talk that goes deeper than Reddit or the school yard, he will probably find us. If we are truly toxic, he won’t participate and become the next twenty year poster. Not everyone is lilbj and seemingly immune from negativity.
First of all, good post. And I'm with you 100% on everything you said. Especially thanking Rocker & Mooz for cranking up this place. It's already my #1 place to go to talk Bucs, football, politics and anything else.

I quoted the above because I wanted to expound upon that. I remember joining the original TBBBB back when it first went online. I feel like that was in 1997 or thereabout. Obviously, I could be completely off. Regardless, suffice it to say I was there in the early days. I wasn't on the Internet a lot back then, so I rarely posted. Later around 2001, I started visiting more often. But I rarely participated because the place was so unwelcoming. Toxic as you called it. If you weren't in the clique or had expert football knowledge, you were basically told to stfu and go away.

PMI still makes fun of casual fans. Well, guess what. Many are. I know I am. While I have garnered a lot of football knowledge over the years, I don't live and breathe football. Never have and never will. I also never played organized football. But the old board didn't treat people like me very well so we rarely participated or stuck around long. The only reason I managed to migrate to the new board when the original closed down was purely good timing. I hadn't been on the board in months and just happened to log in when the hammer was coming down.

Anyway, sorry for the long-winded response. I just want to reiterate that, like you, I don't want to see this place devolve into what TBBBB became. Oh, and I hold no grudges. I was on the original board so little, I don't even know who the "old-timers" are unless someone here mentions them.

Edit to add: You that I think about it, I guess I'd be considered an old-timer since I was there way back when. And, btw, I went by the same username then as I do now.
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Re: Status Update

Post by Rocker »

@King Bootz I think you might be right. Timeout forum doesn’t have any posts yet.
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Re: Status Update

Post by Mod LV »

To all: Please be assured that if any issues continue to arise it WILL be dealt with. To those involved, that's what this is. Reassurance. Let's not turn this even into a moment where I issued a warning. I find it unnecessary.

For the record:

The last thing anyone here wants is a Mod team that throws its weight around too much. When to "step in" is a blurred line that doesn't become any more clear when you cross it. I personally tested the waters a few weeks back and got exactly the response I was hoping for out of the experiment. As pertains to the last few days, we're of the belief it'll play out quickly. Nothing makes people forget faster than a Bucs game. By Monday we're laughing Ich's jokes and who even remembers what happened? And best of all no one even gets a slap on the wrist. If you need to understand our thought process that's where it is. We as a forum have always governed ourselves effectively and we as Mods want to see that practice continued.

I would like to end this by saying thank you for all the feedback and to please keep giving it. This place is not possible without you and we cannot be effective as needed unless we're being told what to fix.

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Re: Status Update

Post by The Outsider »

Issues will arise and as long as you guys have the will and ability to deal with it this place will do fine. A large part of the problem over on the other board was that the person holding the admin keys decided that they wanted to change the trajectory of the site in such a way as to monetize it, along with expanding the content in to areas like opinion articles and other media along those lines.

While it was a respectable goal it was in no way realistic with the resources available, a situation that was exacerbated by the strict control of the site by a single individual who then went AWOL. At that point things started to break and the team that did the majority of the day to day operating of the site didn't have the credentials to fix them.

That lead to things like the proliferation of spambots, broken features, and just issues with the site in general ending in the current situation. It's regrettable, I personally put a lot of time and effort in to the early days of BucZone and I'm sad to see the state its in, but I think you guys have a good thing going here and I'm looking forward to seeing how it all shakes out.
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Re: Status Update

Post by Dread »

The Outsider wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 4:47 pm Issues will arise and as long as you guys have the will and ability to deal with it this place will do fine. A large part of the problem over on the other board was that the person holding the admin keys decided that they wanted to change the trajectory of the site in such a way as to monetize it, along with expanding the content in to areas like opinion articles and other media along those lines.

While it was a respectable goal it was in no way realistic with the resources available, a situation that was exacerbated by the strict control of the site by a single individual who then went AWOL. At that point things started to break and the team that did the majority of the day to day operating of the site didn't have the credentials to fix them.

That lead to things like the proliferation of spambots, broken features, and just issues with the site in general ending in the current situation. It's regrettable, I personally put a lot of time and effort in to the early days of BucZone and I'm sad to see the state its in, but I think you guys have a good thing going here and I'm looking forward to seeing how it all shakes out.
Thanks for all you did over at BZ. Too bad it had go south b/c it sounds like it was avoidable.
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Re: Status Update

Post by Rocker »

The Outsider wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 4:47 pm Issues will arise and as long as you guys have the will and ability to deal with it this place will do fine. A large part of the problem over on the other board was that the person holding the admin keys decided that they wanted to change the trajectory of the site in such a way as to monetize it, along with expanding the content in to areas like opinion articles and other media along those lines.

While it was a respectable goal it was in no way realistic with the resources available, a situation that was exacerbated by the strict control of the site by a single individual who then went AWOL. At that point things started to break and the team that did the majority of the day to day operating of the site didn't have the credentials to fix them.

That lead to things like the proliferation of spambots, broken features, and just issues with the site in general ending in the current situation. It's regrettable, I personally put a lot of time and effort in to the early days of BucZone and I'm sad to see the state its in, but I think you guys have a good thing going here and I'm looking forward to seeing how it all shakes out.
Very glad to see you here, Outtie.
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Re: Status Update

Post by Crocaneers »

Looking into BZ today, this place is a feature

We did what was needed, and had time to clear the deck.

I get the BBS format is dying. Yet this is core for me (I've stated before).

We live to fight another day, and most of the personalities are just that. Change what you can, accept what you will. And look for the wisdom to know the difference.

Hopefully we get a few of the OG that haven't come over

EDIT: Strangely enough .. .BZ has had a cleaning .. .each forum had a spambot nail it this morning, and now it's cleared out

Odd ... hopefully this isn't a perma schism
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Re: Status Update

Post by The Outsider »

Crocaneers wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 12:10 pm Looking into BZ today, this place is a feature

We did what was needed, and had time to clear the deck.

I get the BBS format is dying. Yet this is core for me (I've stated before).

We live to fight another day, and most of the personalities are just that. Change what you can, accept what you will. And look for the wisdom to know the difference.

Hopefully we get a few of the OG that haven't come over

EDIT: Strangely enough .. .BZ has had a cleaning .. .each forum had a spambot nail it this morning, and now it's cleared out

Odd ... hopefully this isn't a perma schism
I can say this, if anyone has done anything over there on the admin side they haven't said anything. I would say that the vast, vast majority of folks are going to end up here one way or another.
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Re: Status Update

Post by SaggyBallZ »

The Outsider wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 3:42 pm
Crocaneers wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 12:10 pm Looking into BZ today, this place is a feature

We did what was needed, and had time to clear the deck.

I get the BBS format is dying. Yet this is core for me (I've stated before).

We live to fight another day, and most of the personalities are just that. Change what you can, accept what you will. And look for the wisdom to know the difference.

Hopefully we get a few of the OG that haven't come over

EDIT: Strangely enough .. .BZ has had a cleaning .. .each forum had a spambot nail it this morning, and now it's cleared out

Odd ... hopefully this isn't a perma schism
I can say this, if anyone has done anything over there on the admin side they haven't said anything. I would say that the vast, vast majority of folks are going to end up here one way or another.

If @PetePierson finds his way here on a permanent basis, I’m out!
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Re: Status Update

Post by 13F11B »

You are doing fine. Thank you for building this place so we could all have a good place to be.
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Re: Status Update

Post by BJJ34 »

I like Pete and MB but seeing the gameday thread at BZ made me feel sad for them both.
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Re: Status Update

Post by Crocaneers »

The Outsider wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 3:42 pm
Crocaneers wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 12:10 pm Looking into BZ today, this place is a feature

We did what was needed, and had time to clear the deck.

I get the BBS format is dying. Yet this is core for me (I've stated before).

We live to fight another day, and most of the personalities are just that. Change what you can, accept what you will. And look for the wisdom to know the difference.

Hopefully we get a few of the OG that haven't come over

EDIT: Strangely enough .. .BZ has had a cleaning .. .each forum had a spambot nail it this morning, and now it's cleared out

Odd ... hopefully this isn't a perma schism
I can say this, if anyone has done anything over there on the admin side they haven't said anything. I would say that the vast, vast majority of folks are going to end up here one way or another.
Confirmed who was cleaning in BZ @2.0 .. no worries all the way 'round .. just seemed strange to me
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Re: Status Update

Post by mdb1958 »

@Crocaneers I thought he went into the mountains.
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Re: Status Update

Post by Rocker »

Offering my apologies for slacking in addressing a handful of comfort issues. Work happened. Gonna spend some time this weekend addressing the big tickets sent through PMs and tackle what I can via the Bug Report thread.

For those not using Gamer Dark theme, the forum header is a thorn in my side that I’m well aware of and will be trying to put a check mark on ASAP.

As always, I’m a click away with concerns/compliments/critiques

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Re: Status Update

Post by Crocaneers »

Rocker wrote: Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:51 pm Offering my apologies for slacking in addressing a handful of comfort issues. Work happened. Gonna spend some time this weekend addressing the big tickets sent through PMs and tackle what I can via the Bug Report thread.

For those not using Gamer Dark theme, the forum header is a thorn in my side that I’m well aware of and will be trying to put a check mark on ASAP.

As always, I’m a click away with concerns/compliments/critiques

I know you don't need it, but I get where you are .. You and the fella's are doin' a great job!

Make the priorities what they need to be .. most of these "issues" are comfort, and we're bitchy.

Don't like the header outside dark mode, use dark mode.
Don't like dark mode, move on

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Re: Status Update

Post by Snake »

I can pay someone like $5 on FIVERR to make a badass header. I’ll send it to you for approval?
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Re: Status Update

Post by AJPG »

Rocker wrote: Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:51 pm Offering my apologies for slacking in addressing a handful of comfort issues. Work happened. Gonna spend some time this weekend addressing the big tickets sent through PMs and tackle what I can via the Bug Report thread.

For those not using Gamer Dark theme, the forum header is a thorn in my side that I’m well aware of and will be trying to put a check mark on ASAP.

As always, I’m a click away with concerns/compliments/critiques

Is it possible to add an up arrow at the bottom of each page to take you to the top of the page instead of having to scroll all the way up? If it's there, I missed it. It's fine if too complicated. Np
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Re: Status Update

Post by Rocker »

AJPG wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 3:52 pm
Rocker wrote: Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:51 pm Offering my apologies for slacking in addressing a handful of comfort issues. Work happened. Gonna spend some time this weekend addressing the big tickets sent through PMs and tackle what I can via the Bug Report thread.

For those not using Gamer Dark theme, the forum header is a thorn in my side that I’m well aware of and will be trying to put a check mark on ASAP.

As always, I’m a click away with concerns/compliments/critiques

Is it possible to add an up arrow at the bottom of each page to take you to the top of the page instead of having to scroll all the way up? If it's there, I missed it. It's fine if too complicated. Np
Sadly the phpbb update doesn’t have an extension for this at the moment. I miss that function.
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Re: Status Update

Post by Primeminister »

Snake wrote: Thu Oct 07, 2021 10:47 pm I can pay someone like $5 on FIVERR to make a badass header. I’ll send it to you for approval?
Absolutely. Thanks for doing that, Snake.
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Re: Status Update

Post by Moozician »

PetePierson wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 7:12 pm Solid rules. How many PMs did Ryan send to get you pussies to cave?

Kudos on lasting less than a month with that "no over moderation" bullshit.

Strong move locking the thread as well.
What would you do differently, Pete?
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Re: Status Update

Post by Moozician »

So... What you are saying is that this place is no different than BucZone... Same people, same ramblings. Nothing changed there or here.

Lemme ask you. How much moderation have you seen here? There hasn't been much, and as for "self-policing" as I have EVER seen was a few posters threatening another. You probably don't agree, but SOME rules need to be spelled out. I don't see anything outlandish with what the Mod Team has determined as rules for this place.

As for certain posters having their own "style" it ain't no different than what you're used to. It's really not. All the rules do is create a level field. No favorites, no villains. And are we supposed to limit someone posting? If they're not spamming threads, there is no issue.
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Re: Status Update

Post by nybf »

Moozician wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 12:55 am So... What you are saying is that this place is no different than BucZone... Same people, same ramblings. Nothing changed there or here.
I'm not going to speak for Pete, but this isn't even close. First off, race baiting trolls were dispatched immediately. You guys clearly have no interest in that.
Moozician wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 12:55 am I don't see anything outlandish with what the Mod Team has determined as rules for this place.
No revealing any poster’s personal information. This means no doxxing, alluding to, no hounding on, etc. It doesn’t matter if it is publicly known, reveled by the poster or “commonly” known. What does matter is that our goal is to keep this forum fun and interactive, which means non toxic.

What this says is if I tell the board my name is Mike, and someone calls me Mike, they'll be banned. That's fucking stupid.

As far as keeping the board fun? Yeah, nothing says fun like giving the goat fucking homophobe a soapbox.

You've got rules like that, but when a thread about a coach being forced to resign gets turned into a political and religious shit show, your mod says "it was bound to go in that direction," that's also fucking stupid.

But hey, quantity over quality. That's been the goal since day 1, spelled out by I think the mod who doesn't know how to spell Bucs.

In conclusion: me telling you my name is Mike and you calling me Mike = toxic. Goat fucker spouting fire and brimstone about LGBTQ+ in team discussions = fun.
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Re: Status Update

Post by Buc2 »

nybf wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 8:25 am
Moozician wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 12:55 am So... What you are saying is that this place is no different than BucZone... Same people, same ramblings. Nothing changed there or here.
I'm not going to speak for Pete, but this isn't even close. First off, race baiting trolls were dispatched immediately. You guys clearly have no interest in that.
Moozician wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 12:55 am I don't see anything outlandish with what the Mod Team has determined as rules for this place.
No revealing any poster’s personal information. This means no doxxing, alluding to, no hounding on, etc. It doesn’t matter if it is publicly known, reveled by the poster or “commonly” known. What does matter is that our goal is to keep this forum fun and interactive, which means non toxic.

What this says is if I tell the board my name is Mike, and someone calls me Mike, they'll be banned. That's fucking stupid.

As far as keeping the board fun? Yeah, nothing says fun like giving the goat fucking homophobe a soapbox.

You've got rules like that, but when a thread about a coach being forced to resign gets turned into a political and religious shit show, your mod says "it was bound to go in that direction," that's also fucking stupid.

But hey, quantity over quality. That's been the goal since day 1, spelled out by I think the mod who doesn't know how to spell Bucs.

In conclusion: me telling you my name is Mike and you calling me Mike = toxic. Goat fucker spouting fire and brimstone about LGBTQ+ in team discussions = fun.
I agree and double triple agree with the highlighted part.
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Re: Status Update

Post by kaimaru »

nybf wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 8:25 am
Moozician wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 12:55 am So... What you are saying is that this place is no different than BucZone... Same people, same ramblings. Nothing changed there or here.
I'm not going to speak for Pete, but this isn't even close. First off, race baiting trolls were dispatched immediately. You guys clearly have no interest in that.
Moozician wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 12:55 am I don't see anything outlandish with what the Mod Team has determined as rules for this place.
No revealing any poster’s personal information. This means no doxxing, alluding to, no hounding on, etc. It doesn’t matter if it is publicly known, reveled by the poster or “commonly” known. What does matter is that our goal is to keep this forum fun and interactive, which means non toxic.

What this says is if I tell the board my name is Mike, and someone calls me Mike, they'll be banned. That's fucking stupid.

As far as keeping the board fun? Yeah, nothing says fun like giving the goat fucking homophobe a soapbox.

You've got rules like that, but when a thread about a coach being forced to resign gets turned into a political and religious shit show, your mod says "it was bound to go in that direction," that's also fucking stupid.

But hey, quantity over quality. That's been the goal since day 1, spelled out by I think the mod who doesn't know how to spell Bucs.

In conclusion: me telling you my name is Mike and you calling me Mike = toxic. Goat fucker spouting fire and brimstone about LGBTQ+ in team discussions = fun.
Hi, my man!
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Re: Status Update

Post by Moozician »

Ok... so you WANT rules and moderation, as long as they are on your terms? Tell you what.. YOU make a list of rules... You and Pete Pierson. We'll see how different they are.
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Re: Status Update

Post by nybf »

Moozician wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 9:21 pm Ok... so you WANT rules and moderation, as long as they are on your terms? Tell you what.. YOU make a list of rules... You and Pete Pierson. We'll see how different they are.
It's your board. Your name is on it, along with your mods. It doesn't matter what I want. You guys want it to be a kkk recruitment center, have fun with that. Let a handful of posters clearly bipost to spread that vile shit while you jerk each other off talking about fun and not toxic.

You're trying to make this a me thing, but when there are neutral and new posters saying how clearly fucked your policies are, maybe that's an issue. When you have posters I have had numerous loud disagreements with posting that they agree with what I've pointed out, something is clearly wrong.

But you do you. The hate you're allowing to spread isn't on my conscience.
The Outsider
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Re: Status Update

Post by The Outsider »

Moozician wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 9:21 pm Ok... so you WANT rules and moderation, as long as they are on your terms? Tell you what.. YOU make a list of rules... You and Pete Pierson. We'll see how different they are.
We essentially had two rules over at BucZone. 1) Don't be a bigot. 2) Don't Bi-post. You could say or do pretty much whatever you wanted otherwise. And we had very few serious moderating issues over there. Our issues were entirely technical ones that were caused by one asshat having full control and wanting to live in the woods on a generator with a fucking solar (or shit-powered, I can't remember now) internet connection.

Frankly, you had no idea how to moderate when you were a Mod back on the official forums and it's clear that you haven't learned a single fucking thing from that experience. I would say more but I wouldn't want to bring up past things that could be considered "doxing". Anyway, my point is, shut the fuck up and let the people who're a) reasonable and b) actually know what the fuck they're talking about figure things out.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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Re: Status Update

Post by ModX »

Rules have been updated. You might want to familiarize yourself with them.
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Re: Status Update

Post by ModX »

Not even close.
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King Bootz
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Re: Status Update

Post by King Bootz »

PetePierson wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 1:10 pm It all makes sense now.

We can only dream
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